Improve the foreign language learning and intercultural
competences of adults through e-learning
The Erasmus+ KA220 project "4 ELEMENTS IN ARTS" aims to support educators working with adults from disadvantaged backgrounds and people with (specific) learning difficulties and talents. 4 ELEMENTS IN ARTS explores the potential of the 4 elements - predominant images in European culture - in relation to art, artistic socialisation, creativity and creative thinking, focusing on the stories represented in works of visual art, paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc. The project aims to improve adult educators' competences in the fields of arts, cultural heritage and English language learning. The project engages adult learners in adult education and learning throughout adult life. It also aims to improve learners' language, digital and creative/artistic thinking skills and strengthen their sense of inclusion.
The project is coordinated by CVO EduKempen (Belgium). The partnership also includes DomSpain Consulting (Spain), Zini Foundation (Latvia), Les Apprimeurs (France), Istituto dei Sordi di Torino (Italy), Slovenian Third Age University (Slovenia), MyArtist (Greece).