Improve the foreign language learning and intercultural
competences of adults through e-learning

DomSpain Consulting
DomSpain Consulting is an adult education organization specialised in the field of education and training, vocational studies, occupational, social and intercultural skills, languages and new technologies. It is specialised in foreign languages, computer technology, and economy, offering a wide range of courses and workshops, which can be tailored to specific needs in any form (long-term or intensive courses, online e-learning, etc.). In addition, it organises, designs and runs all types of trainings, international projects, job shadowing, etc., for students, teachers, academic and administrative staff or people who want to work abroad. DomSpain has a technical department that from one side provides trainings on technology resources for educators and leaners and, from the other side, designs and develops open educational resource platforms. It is a founding member of a European Network of Digital Learning Providers, which currently counts with members from about 30 countries (www.dlearn.eu). In this line, DomSpain aims to improve the quality of education and adult training, promoting and facilitating the access, to both teachers and learners, to new technologies and innovative teaching tools.

The Central Library of Voru County
The Central Library of Voru County (the library) is administered by Voru Town Government. Library ensures free access to information, supports lifelong learning and self-improvement. It collects, preserves and makes available different publications, audiovisual materials, public databases and other documents to the reader. Library services are: reading room loan, outside loan and access to public information. These services are free of charge.Divisions:
- 1) acquisition department 2) adult service department3) children's department4) economic department
- • acquires, accounts and processes items;• arranges bibliographic reference service to Voru County residents;• collects and preserves publications about Voru County;• compiles historic database;• advises librarians from the county and organizes their professional training;• organizes statistical reporting and analyzes libraries;• organizes conferences, seminars and exhibitions.

CVO EduKempen
The CVO EduKempen is an institute for adult education which based in center of the region Kempen (Belgium). The centre provides group tuition in foreign languages, Dutch for foreigners, computer sciences, economics, tourism and vocational edcuation. The centre is public institution funded by the National Department of Education of Flanders with a regional scope and more than 6.000 parttime learners. The institute is a partner in several national and international projects concerning ICT development, languages and prison education.

Istituto dei Sordi di Torino
The Turin Institute for the Deaf in Pianezza is an organization with ancient origins, founded in 1814 in order to take care of the education of deaf children and to train their teachers.The Institute is a non-profit Foundation. SERVICES:
- - Special need teachers and educators service in mainstream schools (from kindergarten to university) supporting students in collaboration with the local social services and school authorities;- Training program for multi-impaired deaf and deafblind people and students with different disabilities;- Vocational training and vocational guidance for young deaf (cooking and gardening);- Training for teachers, speech therapists and educators;- Specialized library and documentation centre for teachers and parents;- Special projects for the inclusion of deaf people in the society in the view of universal accessibility, with a focus on museum and cultural institutions;- Projects with the Universities in the fields of researches, language rehabilitation and social services;- Home housing for deaf adults;- European projects;- Speech therapy and SLI programs;- Kindergarten (with national ID as formal school);- Language classes: Italian, English, sign languages;- Sensorial Garden.

ΜYARTIST Inspired by Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right to take part freely in the cultural life of the community, [and] to enjoy the arts”, MYARTIST is a bridge between artists and society.MYARTIST is a social cooperative enterprise, founded in 2018, specialized in the provision of services of general interest or in the reintegration, through work, coaching/counselling and mentoring services, of disadvantaged and marginalized artists (disabled, long-term unemployed, former detainees, addicts, etc.). MYARTIST offers management, coaching, mentoring and counselling services to graduates from “arts schools”, inviting companies to “adopt” an artist and to undertake his/her operating costs (in order to create a painting, a sculpture, to organize a photographic exhibition, etc.). MYARTIST brings creative talents into contact with companies of excellence. From the synergy between the company and the artist, an unprecedented art collection is born, an exceptional and innovative testimonial of an entrepreneurial artist identity. In that way, MYARTIST aims to engage art as an important tool for fostering dialogue among diverse peoples, cultures, and worldviews to encourage tolerance and solidarity in the defence of human rights, underlying the importance of the relationship between the artist and the most compelling issues of our time.

Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje
Slovenian Third Age UniversityDeveloping and delivering mostly scientifically grounded educational programmes Slovenian Third Age University, National Association for Education and Social Inclusion is specialised in geragogy as well as cultural geragogy. Slovenian Third Age University has four sections: Slovenian Third Age Universities Network, Ljubljana’s Third Age University, Institute for Research and Development of Education and Institute for Dyslexia. The network unites 52 universities in 51 localities with presently more than 21 000 students, more than 1000 mentors and more than 1000 volunteers. Established back in 1984 by two university teachers specialised in the field of andragogy and adult education its mission is improving older people's position in society through culture and education, bettering their lives and relations with other generations, researching and providing adult education and education of older people for personal growth, paid work, organised "professional" voluntary work, counselling and guidance for active ageing as well as for managing dyslexia in adults. For 35 years Slovenian U3A has been acting as a multiplier having set up several networks and encouraged the establishment of new older adult education providers in the country.Throughout the 35 years it has been active on local, national and international level, providing its expertise to national organisations as well as international and European organisations to bilateral and international project partners.It is known for its extensive publishing in the field and its Resource Centre.Ljubljana’s Third Age University has currently more than 3000 students, more than 50 programme orientations and about 300 study circles. It is particularly active in the field of education for silver economy, socially engaged older adult education, socially engaged film making etc. It runs bi-annual International Festival of Knowledge and Culture in Later Life.

Les Apprimeurs
Founded in 2013, Les Apprimeurs is a digital agency dedicated to accompany professionals of cultural and educational sector to the digital creation and dissemination of their contents. Specialized in EPUB 3 format, our team imagine tailor-made solutions to answer the new expectations of users in terms of accessibility, dissemination and interactivity. Our activity is built on three axis:
- • creation of enriched and accessible digital productions (ebooks) which have been awarded several prizes, under its publishing brand L’Apprimerie. We also regularly collaborate with professionals and organizations from various sectors: educational, cultural and audiovisual institutions audiovisual.• development of innovative educational and digital tools to ease access to written contents. We consider digital publishing as a service for readers and a true opportunity to ease reading access and enhance reading experience. Accessibility and inclusive publishing are the keystone of our approach. • training of professionals and students from publishing, audiovisual, artistic, design, education, willing to update their digital skills and to master new ways of producing digital contents.